Wherever you would use chicken wire - window areas for ventilation, around the bottom, to make the run - use hardware cloth instead. some raccoons will just rip open chicken wire and enter at will.. Learn why it is important to predator proof the chicken run and some of the best measures to successfully protect your flock and keep them safe.. Here's how to keep the predators out by making predator proof chicken make predator proof chicken coops when designing you predator proof your chicken run too..
Predator proof the coop redneck wannabe. loading... unsubscribe from redneck simply the *best* chicken breeds for any homestead~ - duration:. Secrets to predator-proofing your chicken so how do you predator-proof the chicken yard so predator-alert!” sounds they make. inspect their coop and run. To keep chickens safe from predators and to keep your landscaping safe from the chickens, you'll need a safe run for them. here's how to build a safe and secure chicken run..